- We All Have Dreams
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- I figured something OUT... I was all WRONG
I figured something OUT... I was all WRONG
I can't compete with Johnny Cupcakes
INTRODUCTION: How do we sell an experience? When I think of the NOW and what the direction the world is going today EXPERIENCES are like Gold during the GOLD RUSH. Walt Disney sells an experience. I will never forget my first time going to Disney World as a kid. After my Disney experience I turned out to be a spokesperson for as I was telling other young people about my experience going to Disney World. We were kids so it’s not like they could’ve taken action and picked up and went to Disney World on their own however telling them my experience was planted in their brain somewhere and I would be willing to bet they either wound up going to experience Disney their self or always wanted to go.

For years I thought I was selling t-shirts. I’m laughing at myself RIGHT NOW 🤣😂 because I was doing EVERYTHING ALL WRONG!

I was NEVER SELLING T-SHIRTS. My thinking 🤔 now: I just can’t compete with a clothing brand that their ONLY focus is making Clothing!

That’s like a guy that’s works at Amazon full time and works out on his basketball game part time after work but he thinks he can make the NBA by this method.

*NOW ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE but that’s NOT Likely 🤷🏽♂️
The guy is competing with NBA players that work on their game for a living 2-3 times a day! The GAP is to Large to close.

Now, I love designing t-shirts however what I have really been excited about and what I really wanted to share with people is my experience!
*traveling to a foreign country meeting young people that shared their dreams with me
*of how it makes me feel to support a young persons dream.
*of how it feels to connect with a family from a different walk of life but find out we are all the same and want the best life for our families.
*of how just showing INTEREST can change a young person’s LIFE.
*of how the different stories makes me have gratitude. (If you purchase a Dream box 📦 to make yourself have gratitude for what you are blessed with its worth it)
*of how i experienced a complete different culture which i engulfed myself in.
*of how I am apart of something bigger than me
*of how selfishly my LEGACY LIVES On with each Kid I support.
*of how thinking this investment long term in supporting kids dreams even changes my thinking to playing a long game of Let’s see where this goes… WHAT IF & WHY NOT….
OPTIMISM…. NO IMMEDIATE VALIDATION which now we are so accustomed too.
I think you get the picture 🌆
The TRUE reality is I just want people to experience what I have experienced on this journey. I wish everyone was with me.
If I can just give YOU A partial GIFT of my EXPERIENCE that would make my LIFE’s work worthwhile…..
My ANSWER is through the DREAM BOX 📦
This is Magical Box that takes you into the LIFE of a Kid, as this kid is Going out to make his or her mark on the WORLD 🌎!
This Magical Box is an EXPERIENCE….
That will give YOU THIS
*connection to the world
*Day Dreaming Ability
*Fire to go after your DREAMS
OH Yeah I almost forgot and you get a shirt inspired by a Dreamer 🙄
We don’t HAVE much time in our busy LIVES
We all scroll everyday looking at meaningless content that we NEVER KNOW IF IT REAL OR CURATED!
YOUR DREAM BOX gives you the opportunity to watch something meaningful and REAL! A glimpse into a place YOU would never had access too!
If YOU ARE exited to TRY this experience Sign Up to receive the ONLY 1 of 100 being Made for Holiday 2023